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Social Media Marketing


$ 475



5 Weeks



दिनांक समय


September 19 - October 23

कोर्स के बारे में

This course looks at the channels of marketing, advertising, and communication that make up social media and the Web, exploring how these tools fit into a company's traditional integrated marketing strategy. Using case studies and real-world examples from large corporations and small businesses, students explore current examples and future opportunities of how marketing professionals embrace online social networks, user-generated content, and content sharing to create brand awareness and buzz. Learn practical tips and techniques, as well as see the bigger picture to help successfully leverage social media marketing for your own environment and purpose.

आपका प्रशिक्षक

Mark Burgess

Mark Burgess

निर्देश प्रारूप

Online: Course content is delivered weekly through an online learning platform where you can engage with your instructor and classmates at your convenience. Assignments are due regularly, but there are no required class meetings. Optional office hours with the instructor are offered through Zoom. This flexible learning format allows you to access course content anywhere, anytime, on your schedule.

दिनांक समय

September 19 - October 23

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