कोर्स के बारे में
For journalists, media lawyers, paralegals, and other communications professionals. This course analyzes the rights and responsibilities of the media. Instruction examines undercover investigations, ethics, defamation, invasion of privacy, reporter's privilege and shield laws, access to courts and records, copyrights, and responsibility in the age of blogs and digital journalism.
आपका प्रशिक्षक
Scott Gurvey
Scott Gurvey helped blaze the trail for business journalism on television and online. In his longtime role as New York Bureau Chief and Senior Correspondent for public television’s Nightly Business Report (“NBR”) Gurvey covered the financial markets, business and the economy for the first and longest-running daily program dedicated to financial news on broadcast television. Gurvey has a Bachelor’s degree in Politics from Princeton University with a certificate for the Program for Science in Human Affairs, a Master’s in Journalism from Columbia University, and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Chicago. He has taught journalism at Loyola University of Chicago and has lectured, participated in panel discussions and advised students at Princeton, Columbia and New York University. He has also worked for CBS and NBC and has written for the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times.
निर्देश प्रारूप
Remote: All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors. Course materials can be accessed any time through an online learning platform.
दिनांक समय
September 20 - November 1
Tuesday 6:30PM - 9:30PM PT